Ovarian Reserve Testing: Range, Purpose & Results

Ovarian Reserve Testing: Range, Purpose & Results


The objective of performing ovarian reserve testing is to identify your fertility potential. It uses a blood test and a vaginal ultrasound to analyze your egg count, fundamental for conception. This testing is relevant for women planning to conceive through assisted reproductive technology like IVF.

If you’ve been facing challenges due to age or underlying health conditions affecting fertility, seek medical attention for expert assistance and advice. You can talk to the leading IVF doctors in Siliguri for any type of fertility health suggestions and medical care.

Understanding the range, purpose, and results of ovarian reserve testing

Ovarian reserve testing encompasses various methods, each offering unique insights into a woman's fertility status:

Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Test

This blood test evaluates the level of anti-Mullerian hormone, a protein produced by cells in developing egg sacs/follicles. A lower AMH level is used to pinpoint lower ovarian reserve.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Test

FSH is a hormone released by the pituitary gland known to stimulate your ovaries to make eggs. Your doctor will measure FSH levels around the 3rd day of your menstrual cycle.

Antral Follicle Count (AFC)

It’s an ultrasound-based test that assesses the number of small follicles present in the ovaries.

Ovarian Ultrasound

An ultrasound scan can visualize the ovaries directly, allowing your medical expert provider to assess their size, shape, and overall health. See your doctor at the best IVF center in Siliguri.

An ovarian reserve test is essential to getting pregnant after receiving any kind of treatment. In an effort to counsel couples before In Vitro Fertilization and anticipate their response and prognosis, ovarian reserve is routinely estimated test using a variety of ovarian reserve tests (ORTs). The most popular tests here include the antral follicle count, anti-Mullerian hormone, and basal follicle-stimulating hormone.

To interpret ovarian reserve test results needs careful consideration of various factors, such as the woman's age, medical history, and reproductive goals. Reach out to the top IVF doctors in Siliguri.

A good score on an ovarian reserve test is difficult to determine because the tests evaluate several things. Instead, to ascertain whether your ovarian reserve levels are within a normal range, your clinician or medical expert will review the results of each blood test and your ultrasound.

Since the success of ovarian stimulation is correlated with your egg count and reaction to hormone medication, ovarian reserve monitoring is vital when it comes to IVF treatment.

There’s no such test to determine the quality of eggs. Tests for ovarian reserve quantify the proportion of eggs left in the body, however, they do not assess the quality of the eggs. Eating nutritious foods and prescription taking vitamins, getting enough sleep, quitting smoking and alcohol consumption, and managing body weight and stress may help involve your egg quality.

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